Il bello di Halloween è la libertà di esprimersi attraverso look stravaganti, e spaventosi, oggi vi voglio proporre una carrellata di travestimenti e trucchi viso per Halloween,
vediamoli subito:
Hello girls, Halloween is approaching and many will go to some fancy dress party and although Italy Halloween is not a party particularly felt, I'm sure many of you will participate in theme nights anyway.
The great thing about Halloween is the freedom to express themselves through outrageous fashions, and scary, today I want to propose a parade of disguises and tricks face for Halloween,let's see now:
Spero che i travestimenti e i trucchi per Halloween vi siano piaciuti, se vi va potete farmelo sapere scrivendomi!
Dolcetto o scherzetto?..Ciao bellezze buon Halloween!!
I hope that the disguises and tricks for Halloween you liked them, if you like you can let me know by writing me!
Trick or treat? .. Hello beauties Happy Halloween !!
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