E' molto importante mangiare molta frutta e verdura ed evitate la carne rossa e i cibi che contengono caffeina, zuccheri e grassi. Cercate di bere almeno 8 bicchieri al giorno, preferendo l'acqua ad altri tipi di bevande. Evitate il caffè e le bibite zuccherate, mentre il thè verde e le tisane sono un'ottima scelta.
Hello girls, have perfect skin requires a lot of attention and daily care.It 'very important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid red meat and foods that contain caffeine, sugar and fat. Try to drink at least 8 glasses a day, preferring water to other types of drinks. Avoid coffee and soft drinks, while the green tea and herbal teas are an excellent choice.
Among the products to be used either on the evening of that day can not be missed: a cleanser, toner, moisturizer and exfoliating cream for the face. If you suffer from a severe form of acne or any other skin problem, you should consult a dermatologist who can recommend the most suitable treatment.
Provate una crema solare perché mantiene il vostro viso idratato e protetto dai raggi solari,anche d'inverno.
Try a sunscreen because it keeps your face hydrated and protected from the sun, even in winter.
Lavatevi il viso una volta al mattino, e una la sera,questo è importante soprattutto se avete la pelle molto grassa, o molti brufoli.
Wash your face once in the morning and once in the evening, this is especially important if you have very oily skin, or many pimples.
Always remember to remove your makeup before going to sleep! Hello beauties.
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